Monday, September 21, 2009

Baron, Wesch, and Powers Reflection for 9/21

For this class we were assigned to read this, watch this, and read this. Just like that, I've connected you all to my source of information. Now go watch it yourself...just kidding. The point of the video was to show how the digital age as transformed us. How quickly we are able to edit and improvise apart from a pen & paper and how comfortable it is to spread information through computers. And in practice, I am able to transform my ideas in to a blogs (did you know that a new blog is born ever 30 seconds? crazy!). The creator of the video used type, and visual media to portray his voice through these changes in media. Similarly, Powers wrote his essay using his voice as well, and didn't even touch the keys of a computer. Using voice recognition, he is able to speak his entire thought process at up to speeds of 300 words per minute, faster than any of us can write by hand or typing! I know when I type, I write sentences that have formulated well in my head. It is much like the way I speak, but to transfer thoughts to the screen take a little bit of careful, 'Does this sound right?' planning. Thinking before I speak...which doesn't happen in the real world. This author is able to draft a book through speaking, giving himself raw unaltered ideas to edit in the future. There is something organic about this process, almost like a psychology experiment, yet I could see to some how he is not considered a writer. The Baron piece focus on societies' transition to the digital era. We can only move forward, like this piece suggests, with acceptance of change and the ability to try something new. However strange speak-writing and digital link-age might be to technology, it seems important to accept the change and move forward to allow us to learn much more.

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