Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Assignment One - Brainstorming Ideas

We are going to be using audacity to record a short essay on our own technology autobiography. My original idea was to speak about how my grandparents - surprisingly both on my mom & dads' sides were influences in greater technological learning. Directly, my Grampa Bond always was showing my mom, I assume, bits and pieces from his job as a camera operator for KETV Omaha. He was the first one out of our family members to get a computer, get online, use a cell phone, and use a webcam. What ever sweet new gadget was found online would ultimately be a Christmas gift the following season. He instilled in my mother the ability to use a computer proficiently, and being the type of person who had to do EVERYTHING my mom did, I was hooked as well. My other set of Grandparents couldn't use a computer to save their lives, but they always had a CB Radio hooked up for those long car rides. I thought it was such an odd piece of technology to be using...especially able to use in the car! They did not use it for complex tasks other than getting directions or listening to traffic patterns from the truckers on the interstate, but I did think it was a cool piece of technology.

Some of the other things to think about are:
-The roles technology plays in my life
-Popular gadgets in the house
-What does it mean to be technologically literate & who is the most technologically literate person I know?
-My technological literacy compared to others (pshh there's a master right here.)
-What items do I carry with me/want the most? (all I see in my mind is a giant APPLE. brainwashed much? In my defense they do have the swankiest items around)
-What technological problems do I see arising in the future?

This assignment should be an anecdote or  story, something about me which I'm pretty good at. It reminds me of the project I had in Earth Science my freshman year of High School - an audio project on Elephant communication. Mr. Flight said I had a wonderful 'radio voice' and I will be excited to put it to use...6 years later.

Yay for projects! We'll have to see what I end up with a few days down the line.

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